My Applet
5: Christmas Tree Decoration
Assignment: Decorate tree using
fillRect and fillOval codes.
My Applet
6: Text Changes
Assignment: Change the fonts
and colors while centering the text.
My Applet
8: Befuddling spots.
Assignment: Change the program making
it do interesting things.
My Applet
9: Mystifying lines
Assignment: Change the program making
it do interesting things.
My Applet
11: Animation
Assignment: Change the program making
it change colors without flashes.
My Applet
12: Animation
Assignment: Changing a checkerboard
to do animation.
My Applet
13: Hey, Duke!
Assignment: Fix some errors
so Duke makes sense.
My Applet
14: Lost in Space
Assignment: Add a fourth scene
and some text to an out-of-the world view.