ISO Homepage

Welcome, and thank you for coming to the ISO homepage.  The purpose of this page is to give you a little insight into  ISO and information which may be useful to you.

My name is Azzah Jeddy, and I am currently a second year student here at the College of Pharmacy. As an executive officer of ISO, from experience I can say that ISO was a very enlightening and a lot of fun as well.

As for the activities ISO engages in, there are many.  The following is a list of activities that ISO will be engaging in and would like to excute within the upcoming academic year.

September 28th to October 2nd         International Week 

October 2nd                                  International night  (click here for a detalied program)

*Other activities for the organization include a dance for the winter season at a local hotel, and to go paintballing sometime during the semester.

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