The Lugano Fountain

Choose a water curve in the fountain above, mark and collect your data points, and then paste them into the applet below.

Copy the function (omit 'y = ') from the Analysis Window in the applet above, enter it and the requested values of your data in the input boxes below, and then click on the button to see the graph of your function superimposed on the picture of the fountain above.

1. Your First Function
Lowest value of x in your data above:
e.g. 374
Highest value of x in your data above:
e.g. 511
The defining expression for your function (omit 'y = '),
e.g. -797.9106781704372 + 4.500985340530494*x -0.005307085610274791*x^2

2. Your Second Function (Optional)
Note: You can enter another function here or scroll down and click on the button.
Lowest value of x for this function:
Highest value of x for this function:
The defining expression for this function (omit 'y = '):

3. Your Third Function (Optional)
Note: You can enter another function here or scroll down and click on the button.
Lowest value of x for this function:
Highest value of x for this function:
The defining expression for this function (omit 'y = '):