Amy's Java Portfolio
My Applet 5:  Christmas Tree Decoration
Assignment:  Decorate tree using fillRect and fillOval codes.
My Applet 6:  Text Changes
Assignment:  Change the fonts and colors while centering the text.
My Applet 7:  New "Rock" Group
Assignment:  Put title on and change the rolling direction of boxes.
My Applet 8:  Band-Aid Brigade
Assignment:  Using mouse-down events, paste the band-aids on the screen.
My Applet 9:  Fast Follicles
Assignment:  Using mouse-down events, try to catch these lines.
My Applet 10:  Glenda's a Little Shakey
Assignment:  The first animation.
My Applet 11:  Gliding Glenda
Assignment:  Smoothing out the first animation.
My Applet 12:  It's a War
Assignment:  Changing a checkerboard to....
My Applet 13:  Hey, Duke!
Assignment:  Fix some errors so Duke makes sense.
My Applet 14:  Lost in Space
Assignment:  Add a fourth scene and some text to an out-of-the world view.
My Applet 15:  Neko the Crazy Cat
Assignment:  Give Neko a new behavior.
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